The Impact of Screen Exposure on Preschoolers' Attentional Functions.

In an increasingly digital world, the influence of screens on the neurocognitive development of children has become a topic of great concern. While studies have extensively examined the consequences of screen exposure on school-aged children, the relationship between screens and neurocognitive development, particularly attentional functions, remains unclear among preschoolers. To address this gap, Jourdren M. et al. assessed the immediate and long-term effects of screen exposure on attentional functions in preschool-aged children.

Their review included five cross-sectional studies, all of which reported significant and positive associations between high levels of screen exposure and attention difficulties in preschoolers. Moreover, six among ten longitudinal studies revealed a significant impact of earlier screen exposure on subsequent attention function, while four studies found no discernible relationship. Notably, eight of the included studies examined the direction of the relationship between screen exposure and attentional difficulties, with seven of them suggesting a bidirectional association.

The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the impact of screen exposure on attentional functions in preschool-aged children. The consistent positive associations between high screen exposure and attention difficulties underscore the need to adopt caution when managing screen time in this vulnerable age group. The evidence indicates that early screen exposure can have long-lasting effects on attentional function, emphasizing the importance of establishing healthy media habits during the early years. These findings align with current guidelines advocating for the limitation of screen time in preschoolers. 

As parents, caregivers, and educators, we must recognize the potential risks associated with excessive screen exposure and take proactive steps to promote a balanced approach to technology use. Encouraging alternative activities that foster attention and cognitive development, such as outdoor play, social interactions, and hands-on experiences, can help mitigate the potential adverse effects of excessive screen time. Let us prioritize the well-being and cognitive growth of our preschoolers as we navigate the digital era.

Jourdren M, Bucaille A, Ropars J. The Impact of Screen Exposure on Attention Abilities in Young Children: A Systematic Review. Pediatric Neurology. 2023;142: 76-88.


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