How should we diagnose dissection of aorta?

Published On: 29 Nov, 2021 11:03 AM | Updated On: 08 Feb, 2025 2:13 AM

How should we diagnose dissection of aorta?

In this video, Dr. Sameer Shrivastava, Heads the department of Non-Invasive Cardiology at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi, will talk about how to diagnose dissection of aorta? Dissection of aorta is a very confusing disorder unless a key suspicion is present. In such patients, history is important. Dr. Sameer will also explain the symptoms which are help to diagnose the disorder. He will tell us many a times ECG are normal. In such patients, hypertension exist and the pulses are uneven, for example, absence of pulse in one limb or carotids, etc. Whenever you have a strong suspicion of dissecting aorta, then the first test to be done is 2d-echo and Transesophageal echocardiography (TTE). TTE is done as when 2d-echo is unable to detect dissecting aorta due to certain limitation.

Dr. Sameer Shrivastava

In-charge of Resident program at FEHI. Principal Coordinator of PGDCC (Post graduate Diploma in Clinical Cardiology) program at FEHI. An expert in all the Non-Invasive imaging procedures performed at FEHI including 3D Echocardiography, Tissue Doppler imaging, Strain, 2D Echocardiography, Vascular Dopplers & Stress Echocardiography. Awards & Expertise: Chairmans appreciation award (Individual) IMA Academy of Medical Specialties- 1997-98. Fellowship awarded by the Indian Academy of Echocardiography 2002 Certificate of honor from the Gwalior Medicos at Indian Medical Association in 2002.

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