Frequency and types of congenital uterine anomalies during C-section

Congenital uterine anomalies stem from irregular development of the Mullerian ducts, potentially leading to adverse reproductive consequences such as recurrent miscarriage, preterm birth, abnormal fetal positioning, and subfertility. The prevalence is 5-7%.

The goal of a recent study was to determine the frequency and types of congenital uterine anomalies observed during cesarean section (C-section) procedures.

This research was conducted at SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital in Dharwad, India, between August 2020 and July 2021. The study enrolled 2,932 women undergoing C-sections. A thorough examination of the uterus was performed during the procedure, with specific attention to identifying any uterine anomalies.

It was found that 22 women had congenital uterine anomalies––depicting a prevalence rate of 0.75%. Women with such anomalies showed a greater propensity for adverse outcomes, including – miscarriage (27%), pre-eclampsia (31.8%), abnormal fetal positioning (31.8%), fetal growth restriction (9%), and preterm C-section (40.9%). The most common types of anomalies were unicornuate uterus (31.8%), septate uterus (27.2%), arcuate uterus (22.7%), and bicornuate uterus (18.1%). Notably, septate and unicornuate uteri were associated with the poorest outcomes.

From the results, it was inferred that C-sections offer an opportunity to identify congenital uterine anomalies, providing valuable insights for future reproductive planning. It is advisable to systematically explore and document uterine abnormalities post-delivery – to facilitate appropriate management strategies.

Source: Patil M, Patil V. Indian J Obstet Gynecol Res. 2024;11(1):24-27


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