Published On: 04 Jul, 2024 1:02 PM | Updated On: 15 Feb, 2025 3:24 AM

Exploring the causes of hirsutism in women

Hirsutism is a prevalent endocrine disorder with causes ranging from benign and idiopathic conditions to serious malignant diseases. It negatively impacts the quality of life and can significantly affect fertility. 

The objective of a recent study was to identify the various causes of hirsutism in women attending two endocrine clinics.

This cross-sectional study was undertaken at the Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology in Karachi and Jinnah Hospital in Lahore between 2020 and 2021. Women aged 12-45 years who presented with hirsutism were selected. The severity of hirsutism was assessed using the modified Ferriman-Gallwey (FG) score, with scores ≥8 indicating hirsutism.

Overall, 113 patients were enrolled – with an average age of 15.50±7.29 years. It was found that 89% of the participants had moderate hirsutism (FG score 16-25). Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) was the most common cause of hirsutism. The most frequently affected areas were the back (83%), arms (74%), buttocks (70%), and upper abdomen (47%). A high BMI and elevated dehydroepiandrosterone levels were significantly associated with hirsutismseverity.

The identified causes of hirsutism in this study were – polycystic ovaries, idiopathic origins, thyroid dysfunction, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and hyperprolactinemia––PCOS being the most prevalent. It is essential to evaluate all women presenting with hirsutism for serious and treatable conditions before initiating a treatment plan.

Source: Ansari RT, Syed U, Riaz M, et al. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. 2024 Mar;40(4):736.


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