Diabetes Therapy By The Ear
Diabetes therapy by the ear is a vast concept. The significance of ear-based therapy extends far beyond doctor-to-patient communication. To know more about Diabetes Therapy by the Ear, join us today at 7:00 PM on Dr. KK's MEDtalks-Thursdays with Dr. Sanjay Kalra.
Dr.Sanjay Kalra
MBBS, MD, DM (AIIMS New Delhi), is an Endocrinologist Based at Bharti Hospital, Karnal, India
Dr.Utsav Sahu
Consultnat Physician at Pentamed Hospital, New Delhi, India
Diabetes Therapy By The Ear
Diabetes therapy by the ear is a vast concept. The significance of ear-based therapy extends far beyond doctor-to-patient communication. To know more about Diabetes Therapy by the Ear, join us today at 7:00 PM on Dr. KK's MEDtalks-Thursdays with Dr. Sanjay Kalra.
Dr.Sanjay Kalra
MBBS, MD, DM (AIIMS New Delhi), is an Endocrinologist Based at Bharti Hospital, Karnal, India
Dr.Utsav Sahu
Consultnat Physician at Pentamed Hospital, New Delhi, India
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